Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Settled In And Sorted

I'll cast you a spell,
A magic where everyone plays dead forever.
And after tonight, they'll never remind you.

I'm thrilled to announce that Tiny Cravings is all comfortably settled into its new home for the summer, and will be putting out all sorts of wonderful and splediferous new items. Hopefully lots of Limited Edition Summer Items and the like. =)

Now that we're all "settled and sorted" all outstanding orders will be shipped out this week, most likely tomorrow if I can manage it. The rest of the shop is once again available for your customization and purchase, and the TAT is down to 1-2 weeks. Yeyy!! Do the happy TAT dance! I should totally make a dancing gif for that, lol!

I swear, Mercury never gives me a break. As a gemini I always struggle like mad through retrograde periods. But now that Mercury's turned direct *cue song* "turn around...every now and then I get a little bit lonely and you're never coming round..." wow...see!? Just look how much my energy has changed now. I'm actually singing on my blog. LOL. It's like day and night!

Next week my cousin and I are going to a Birthday Massacre concert. (woohoo *pumps fist*) I love this band and have been a fan for several years now. I'm totally ecstatic to see them perform live. If you don't know who The Birthday Massacre is, good lord, you're missing out. Check out their website! It's sooo wonderfully immersive. I have every intention of making the Tiny Cravings website that amazingly awesome. Someday. Hopefully soon! =)

Check it!

Looking Glass...


Totally awesomely creepy. Love it! Not all their music is so hardcore though. Alot of it is really whimsical and reminiscent of being a child. Which is pure love. =)

That's all for now.


Tiny Cravings Jewelry


Anonymous said...

I am so envious of you and your cousin. I <3 the Birthday Massacre. (My favorite song is Video Kid)

Jeanine said...

I can't wait! They really are awesome. =) I love Video Kid too btw.

Jennifer April Abraham said...

Just saw the summer edition cupcakes section on www.tinycravings.com! LoveloveLOVE the idea. Can't wait to see the pictures. (: